
How To Block Up A Window Opening

How to Block upward a Doorway or Window

This projection is near how to block up a doorway or window opening using brick, blocks and plaster. Learn how to block an opening when you accept removed a door or window. Understand the way you should block off doorways and windows safely.

Filling in, bricking or blocking up old window and doorways seems to be a regular pastime for our users. It is then surprising how a room tin be made much larger just by moving a door from the middle of a wall to the end.

The fact that the door is in the eye means that both sides of the wall around the door accept to be kept clear and no piece of furniture tin be placed along that wall. Motility the doorway to the stop of the wall and you have freed upwards two walls!

Window blocked in

Window blocked in

Filling in a door or window opening is not difficult and as long as you lot accept the correct equipment information technology tin exist done fairly quickly. Run across our project on removing window and door frames to offset get the old wooden frame out of the way. Nosotros have seen many people endeavour and relieve fourth dimension and money by leaving the frame in when they try to block upwardly an opening but this never works.

Frame tie

Frame necktie

Once the old frame is out of the manner you will need to set some frame ties either side of the opening. Frame ties are made of galvanised metal bent to a correct angle. The brusk side is fixed to the edge of the opening by drilling the masonry and plugging and screwing the frame ties in place. Encounter our project on fixing to masonry to see how to employ a wall plug and screw. You lot will need to scroll down to the second part of the project page.

Nosotros recommend yous use lightweight block to complete this job. They are easy to cut using an ordinary timber saw (be prepared to throw the saw away afterwards every bit cutting blocks will blunt the saw for cutting timber) and lite plenty not to crusade a problem when laying.

The frame ties need to be fixed to the walls in the joints of every other grade of blocks as shown in the diagram. This volition requite the wall the strength required to plaster information technology and permit it to become function of the existing wall.

There are other options available as well every bit frame ties. Using a precipitous pair of can snips you tin cut some lengths of Builders Band or Expanded metal lathing and bend the lengths into shape. These can and so be stock-still to the wall as you would the frame ties. The prototype to a higher place shows an one-time window having been blocked upwards.

Position of frame ties

Position of frame ties

Drag off surplus with plasterers darby

Drag off surplus with plasterers darby

When the frame ties are in place the blockwork can exist laid. Most internal walls are iv inches or 100mm thick with 12mm of plaster stuck on each side.

Obviously when laying the blocks in the opening they should exist laid to allow the new plaster to be put on both sides to the aforementioned thickness as the existing plaster. This will allow you to get a shine stop where the new plaster meets the erstwhile plaster.

When the blockwork has gone hard it tin can be plastered. See our diverse projects on plastering. For the first glaze of plaster you will need what is called a base coat or scratch coat and when this is complete it is topped off with skim plaster. The base coat of plaster should exist laid then that it finishes level with the existing wall either side of the opening and then whatever surplus is dragged off using a plasterers darby. All the tools needed for this project can exist seen below in the tool box or are dotted about this folio. But click on any of the tools to observe out more.

After plastering the new wall you volition of course need to position some new skirting board and if any part of the job you have planned is in an external wall you will need to insert a damp proof course to protect the masonry from rising clammy.

All projection content written and produced by , founder of DIY Doc and industry expert in edifice engineering science.


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