
How To Add Onedrive To Windows Explorer

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  • The Major Placeholder Change
  • Why Microsoft Removed The Placeholder Feature
  • How to Get Rid of This Problem
    • Hither is What You Need to Do:
  • Conclusion
  • Comments

It's been months since Windows 10 was first introduced by Microsoft and with its direct upgrade option; a lot of people have switched from the annoying Windows 8.1 to 10 (Including me).  In fact, about 75 1000000 users accept already upgraded their organization to Windows 10.

With the new operating system came a lot of enhancements and changes. Microsoft is basically either eliminating features that information technology feels aren't working or pushing them in a completely different direction.

I downloaded Windows 10 a few weeks dorsum when I was writing a review for OneDrive. And that is why, the kickoff change which I noticed in the operating organisation was the OneDrive app. Microsoft has completely removed the OneDrive app and integrated it well deep into the operating system. This means OneDrive is now sort of like a background app. You might not exist able to see information technology but information technology'southward definitely there.

Whenever you endeavour to save a file, you would get an option to save information technology either on your hard bulldoze or OneDrive but with no specific interface for OneDrive, things could definitely get confusing.

The Major Placeholder Change

When Microsoft introduced Windows eight.x version, they included a characteristic called 'placeholder' in its OneDrive app.  A placeholder is similar a small dummy file on the local drive which represents a file present in the OneDrive deject.

Placeholder files are generally very modest in size and they only contain a thumbnail and metadata data about the main file stored in the cloud.

Using only a small fraction of the local storage, the placeholder file points to the original file. Because of these placeholders, it was easy to access thousands of gigabytes of data quickly, without using much of the local bulldoze. This was obviously a great benefit for devices which had express storage.

Why Microsoft Removed The Placeholder Feature

The placeholder characteristic created a trouble for Microsoft considering a lot of users didn't exactly know that the placeholder files weren't exactly actual files. Since placeholder files were just thumbnails, users had to double click on them to start downloading the original file, which could exist opened in the respective application.

And therefore, the files weren't made available offline to the users, unless they wanted it to be. As a result, files couldn't be opened if users didn't have an Internet connection.

To resolve this problem, Microsoft removed placeholders entirely and introduced selective sync in Windows 10. Selective sync lets the user choose any folders they want to sync locally and makes them available offline.

But this means if yous sync 5GB of information then the entire 50GB is stored on your local drive, which defeats the purpose of having a cloud storage selection in the first place. If I really had 50GB of actress space on my local drive, and then why would I upload it on to the cloud?

How to Get Rid of This Problem

At present, you cannot really defy Microsoft and bring back the placeholder characteristic on Windows 10, but there is a style to create the same functionality by mapping OneDrive on to a local drive. Mapping OneDrive content to your reckoner volition allow you lot browse all your files instantly without whatsoever annoying syncing process.

This works a lot like the placeholder feature and you can rename, create or delete files. But since these are placeholder files, you take to retrieve that they are non fabricated bachelor offline and they have to be download.

Just to be articulate, this tip works for both Windows 7 and Windows 8, if you have 8.1 then yous need to skip this and not worry nearly anything.

Here is What You lot Demand to Practise:

  • 1: Visit OneDrive's web app, sign into it then click on the Files tab nowadays on the left side of the screen

  • 2:Check the URL on your browser. You should be able to encounter a CID number on the right of the URL. Either keep your browser open up or copy paste this CID number on a notepad somewhere

  • 3: Open up yous File Explorer now, or in the language of Windows 7 – the Windows Explorer.
  • iv: At present, move over to 'The PC' view. If you are using an older version of the OS, then it would be chosen 'Computer'
  • v: When you are on the PC view, you should be able to see the pick of 'Map Network Drive' on the top side of the screen

  • six: Click on the 'Map Network Bulldoze' option and you should see a new window open
  • 7: Select any one of the drives that y'all are non using correct now. (May be your lucky alphabet?)
  • 8: In the folder field, give this path:

YOUR-CID-NUMBER is where you should place the CID number you previously copied from the OneDrive Web App

  • 9: Cheque marking the 'reconnect at sign in' pick
  • 10: Click on Terminate and yous should be prompted to enter your OneDrive credentials, which are your Microsoft username and password.

In case you lot have added a two-step verification to an business relationship, you would first need to create an app password on Microsoft Business relationship website and change the security settings

Once you sign in, you lot should be able to run into a new bulldoze in File Explorer, the name of the drive would match with your CID number. If you don't like seeing that disruptive number, you tin always rename it to something else similar, 'Microsoft, yous're an idiot'


And now, you are all fix to admission files in folder like you normally did. It tin be a bit slower, if not ameliorate. You tin can re-create or motility file to this drive and of course, access OneDrive directly from other apps too.

I am still new to Windows 10 and every day, I observe something I don't similar in this version. Though there are some 3rd-party solutions to this placeholder problem, I feel this solution is probably the most convenient ane.  If you find a improve solution, do permit me know.


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