
How To Clean Rust Off Hitch Ball

Rust is the chemical reaction that occurs when iron, steel or other alloys are exposed to oxygen and air moisture and become corroded. Using your hitch for camping, mountain biking, towing or other outdoor activities puts your hitch at risk to corrode and rust over time which tin can cause trailering complications and safety concerns.

Trailer Hitch Rust Prevention

The hitch above is a brand-new receiver hitch and ball mount that you would get installed at your local U-Booty hitch store. All our hitches are powder coated and our ball mounts are either pulverisation coated or zinc finished (galvanized) to protect them from the elements and preclude rust.

Receiver Hitch Rust Prevention

  • Employ a not-solvent based product like Fluid Film to add together additional protection to the receiver hitch and receiver opening from rust causing agents like moisture and droppings

  • Use a  hitch cover to prevent h2o and clay from getting into the receiver opening

A powder or zinc coat volition protect hitch components for a long time. However, afterwards repeated utilise and exposure, areas similar the inside of the receiver and the hitch pin holes see frequent use and friction which tin cause the coat to wearable away, exposing the steel to the elements. If h2o gets into those exposed areas and is allowed to sit, it will corrode the metal and cause rust. To preclude moisture and debris from getting into the receiver opening,use a production like Fluid Film to coat the interior of the receiver and then use a hitch encompass when y'all're not using the hitch.

Ball Mount Rust Prevention

  • Remove the brawl mountain when not in apply

  • Shop ball mount indoors and abroad from corrosive weather

A ball mount connects the trailer ball to the receiver hitch. If left inside the receiver, ball mount vibration can begin to erode the protective coating and let for rust inside the receiver tube. Preventing this type of rust is every bit elementary equally removing the brawl mountain when it is not being used and storing it inside your home or vehicle. If you are storing information technology in your vehicle, we suggest using an accompaniment bag to protect the vehicle and the brawl mount.

Hitch Ball Rust Prevention

  • Use brawl grease to protect and assist the hitch ball during use

  • Utilize a ball mount bag or ball cover to protect the hitch ball when not in use

The hitch ball sits in the brawl mount and will see the harshest effects of whatsoever weather or friction-related apply. To protect the hitch ball while in utilise we recommend applying ball grease to make sure information technology pivots smoothly while inside the coupler. Removing the brawl mount and storing it inside a bag when it is not in use is the most recommended method for preventing rust to both the ball mount and hitch ball. If you lot're going to leave the mount attached to your hitch, exist sure to continually reapply ball grease and use a ball encompass to protect it when non in employ.

Trailer Hitch Maintenance

Despite your best efforts to prevent rust, it may withal observe its way onto your hitch. All is not lost however, and with these tips y'all tin can fight the rust and foreclose it from happening again in the almost future.

Receiver Hitch Rust Maintenance

  • Look for corrosion or article of clothing around the hitch pivot hole and receiver opening

  • Cover exposed metal with a rust stopping paint

  • Apply a hitch encompass to prevent dirt and water from getting within your hitch

While all U-Booty hitches come with a protective blanket, it can still exist worn away over time with heavy usage, improper intendance and overexposure to the elements. Look for corrosion around the hitch pin holes and the interior of the receiver opening. If you notice spots that have worn out the powdered coating, you lot volition want to touch those up with a rust stopping pigment to reseal the metal underneath. If it has started to rust already you desire to remove that rust with a homemade or store-bought rust remover and and then apply the paint over it. Do not paint over rust as the corrosion will proceed underneath.

Ball Mount Rust Maintenance

  • Make clean out existing rust using a homemade or store-bought rust remover

  • Employ rust-resistant paint to the newly exposed metallic

  • Utilize an accessory bag to store your brawl mount in when not in use

Similar to the receiver, the ball mount will exist pulverisation coated besides to prevent rust. After a while information technology may begin to evidence signs of wear and tear, causing the metal underneath the paint to get exposed to clay and h2o which will cause rust. If you find dents or spots that are starting to rust, clean them thoroughly with a homemade or store bought rust remover then apply rust-resistant paint to the area. Do not paint over rust as that will not forbid the corrosion from continuing underneath.

Hitch Ball Rust Maintenance

  • Remove the rust with homemade or store-bought cleaners

  • Use grease to the hitch ball

  • Proceed the brawl covered when not in apply

The hitch ball is the portion of the hitch system that is most probable to come across a lot of wear and tear from the elements and general use. If using brawl grease and a brawl encompass has failed to protect the brawl and you find rust has taken hold of it, you can endeavor to clean information technology using a homemade solution of distilled vinegar or store-bought products. One time the rust has been removed, proceed to liberally re-apply ball grease during use and utilise a ball cover or hitch bag to protect information technology when it'due south not being used.

Removing a Rusty, Stuck Ball Mountain & Hitch Ball

If your ball mountain or hitch ball are rusted beyond repair, you lot volition demand to remove them from the trailer hitch to exist able to replace it under the $5 lifetime warranty through U-Booty. A rusty brawl mount tin get stuck in the receiver opening and be hard to remove. Try spraying the areas around the receiver opening with WD-40 and and then use a prophylactic hammer to aid knock the ball mount loose. Once it's free you can either pull it out or gently tap it out with the hammer.

If just the hitch brawl needs replacing but it's stuck inside the brawl mount and so yous'll want to follow a similar strategy to the ball mount. Spray a good amount of WD-40 or similar lubricant effectually the brawl nut and thread areas. Effort to dislodge the nut using a wrench. If it's yet stuck and so y'all can try using some other circular of WD-40 and even a pipe on the cease of the wrench to give yourself more leverage.

Don't worry, if a brawl mount is rusted in your hitch and y'all tin can't remove it, U-Booty will notwithstanding replace your receiver hitch nether the $5 warranty.The best form of maintenance is prevention. By purchasing your hitch, ball mount and hitch ball through U-Haul ensures that you volition exist protecting your investment and continuing your towing adventures.


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